There is an old and well documented custom to recite the Pitum Haketores from a handwritten klaf written in ksav ashuris, Torah script. The pitum haketoret is written in the same script styles as Torah scrolls- Bais Yosef (Ashkenaz), Arizal (Chassidic) and Vellish (Sepharadi). Please let us know which writing style you prefer. There are 2 versions of the ketores- Ashkenaz and Sfard. The difference between them is the spelling of a few words. Upon ordering please let us know your preference, if any. The ketores is generally written on 2 columns of klaf, 12 or 15cm tall- the same size as mezuzah scrolls. However, it can be written in any size. Some also add a 3rd column to the beginning or end for the Lamenatzeach in shape of the Menorah.
The ketores is generally housed in a leather folder or sewn onto a single wooden or silver roller. We offer leather folders and sterling silver rollers. Below are a few samples. Please contact us for details.
Our artists can also illuminate the ketores klaf in the design of your choice. Here we present a few samples of illuminated ketores klafs that our artists have created. Here are sources for reading the pitum haketores in Torah script on klaf: Seder Hayom states that "one who fears for himself and for his soul should put great effort into this matter, namely to write the entire text of the ketores (the composition of the incense) on kosher parchment in ksav ashuris (the script in which a sefer Torah is written), and he should read from this scroll daily, once in the morning and once in the evening with great concentration, and I guarantee [that this will help]." Ketores is a segulah (a remedy) to eliminate epidemics, to save Israel from oppression by the nations, to bring a. blessing into a person's work, to save him from the punishment of gehinom, to ward off evil spirits, external forces, and "the other side" i.e. Satan's camp. Reading of the ketores also breaks the spell of sorcery, eliminates evil thoughts, enables a person to inherit this world and the world to come, to free him from punishments, to grant him favor in the eyes of all who see him, and to grant him riches. (Ein Ma'avar Yabok) The Zohar teaches that reciting the pitum haketores passages brings brachos (blessings) for livelihood, health, and peace, as well as atonement for some of the gravest sins and mistakes Jews can make. The Kaf Hachaim says that the saying of pitum haketoret from ktav ashurit, the script of a Torah scroll, is a segula to merit wealth and the reader will be successful in business.