We offer a wide selection of completed megillahs, megillot, or one of our sofrim can be commissioned to write a megillah scroll for you. Contact us about an Ashkenazic, Bais Yosef megillah, Sephardic megillah, Chabad megillah, Hamelech megillah or 11 line Gra megillah. Let us know your budget, halachic and/or aesthetic level preferences, the writing style, the number of lines per column and size you'd like. Don't hesitate to request our guidance!
We offer all five megillot:
A Megillat Esther for Purim ranges in price from around $800 - $2000. The standard for megillat Esther is 11, 21, 28 and 42 lines per column, of which 28 is the most common. The standard height of each line is 8mm or 1cm and for a "28" megillah, the overall heights are 12" and 16" respectively. Some prefer an 11 line “Gra†megillah Esther and Chabad megillas Esther is 42 lines per column, like a Torah scroll. At one time the 42 line per column megillah Esther was very common outside of Lubavitch but this is no longer the case. No matter what type of Purim megillah you are interested in we have a Purim megillah to suit your needs!
The standard for megillat Rut (Rus), Kohellet (Kohelles), Eicha and Shir Hashirim is 21 or 42 lines per column. Generally, only non Chassidic Ashkenazim read these megillot from a kosher parchment, klaf, on their appropriate holidays. There are 2 common tikkunim that these megillot are based on - Berdichev and Ben Asher. Consult your rabbi as to which tikkun is preferred.
Our Purim megillahs are mainly Hamelech megillahs, meaning that the word Hamelech, the king, which hints to Hashem, is featured as the first word starting from the 2nd column until the column previous to the 10 sons of Haman (BOOO!!!). While Hamelech megillahs are not based on any traditional source, as far as we are aware, many people prefer them. The 21 line megillah is now available in Hamelech as well due to an improved tikkun, making it much easier to write.
For an introduction to the megillah scroll please go to the What is Megillah page.
Please look at our selection of available megillah holders. You can also commission one of our master wood craftsmen or silversmiths to create a megillah holder according to your taste.