We recommend that you read our Policy page and the About STAM page before placing an order.
The What is Mezuzah? and the first half of the What is Tefillin? pages are an excellent introduction to mezuzah. In addition, the Expense of STaM page is a must!
Each mezuzah is written on high-quality klaf (parchment) and produced according to strict halachic standards. Each sofer, who we know personally, is certified and experienced. Each mezuzah is painstakingly examined by two certified examiners and is checked for textual errors by computer.
Special Orders:
Please contact us if you are interested in mezuzahs written according to the Arizal (Chassidic custom) or according to the Alter Rebbi (Lubavitch custom).
If you want the mezuzahs written on special, hand-made klaf, or want to request any other hiddur, please contact us.
Are you looking for a beautiful miniature mezuzah (2 inches / 6 cm tall), or a giant mezuzah (10 to 24 inches / 25 to 60cm tall)? We also have a number of sofrim who write beautiful 8 inch / 20 cm mezuzahs. Please contact us for details.